Join us in helping the Ogden Christmas Box House celebrate Christmas in July
The Christmas Box International believes that every child deserves a childhood. They provide shelter, clothing and food for children in need and while donations are plentiful during the holidays, they are scant during the summer months.
Christmas in July is their way of trying to help communities and individuals remember those in need at times other than the Christmas season.
We at Charity Window Cleaning invite you to join us in giving to the Ogden Christmas Box House this summer. We donated window cleaning for the Christmas Box House. You can give time, money or services as best suits your company or lifestyle.
The Christmas Box International partners with local, national and international communities and groups to prevent child abuse and to improve the quality of life for children, teens and young adults who have been abused, neglected or are homeless.
After our recent expansion into Davis County, Utah, we want to give back and support our community.
To donate to the Ogden Christmas Box House contact Kim Nay at (801) 866-0350, email her at or visit
If you want your windows to stay cleaner 3X longer than traditional window cleaning contact Charity Window Cleaners at (801) 564-1865. We now offer window cleaning services in Layton, Utah.